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  • About

    Impacts of Visualizations on Decoy Effects

    Yuin Jeong, Sangheon Oh, Younah Kang, Sung-Hee Kim

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (23) (2021)

    Effects of Frontal Theta Rhythms in a Prior Resting State on the Subsequent Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface Performance

    Jae-Hwan Kang, Joosang Youn, Sung-Hee Kim, Junsuk Kim

    Frontiers in Neuroscience 15 (2021)

    Feasibility of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting the Deformation of Anodic Titanium Films by Modulating Anodization Processes

    Sung-Hee Kim, Chanyoung Jeong

    Materials 14 (5) (2021)

    Understanding the Role of Visualizations on Decision Making: A Study on Working Memory

    Sung-Hee Kim

    Informatics 7(4), 53 (2020)

    A Comparison of Touchscreen and Mouse for Real-World and Abstract Tasks with Older Adults

    Sung-Hee Kim, Kailun Zhang, Joanna McGrenere, Kellogg S. Booth, Clauida Jacova

    ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 16 (2020)

    Linear Programming Models: Identifying Common Errors in Engineering Students’ Work with Complex Word Problems

    Rachael Kenney, Tuyin An, Sung-Hee Kim, Nelson A. Uhan, Jisoo Yi, Aiman Shamsul

    International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 18 (4), 635-655 (2020)

    Natural Language Processing Model for Data Visualization Interaction in Chatbot Environment

    Sang Heon Oh, Su JIn Hur, Sung-Hee Kim

    KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems 9 (11), 281-290 (2020)

    The Correlation Between Users’ Cognitive Characteristics and Visualization Literacy

    Sukwon Lee, Bum-chul Kwon, Jimin Yang, Byung-Chel Lee, Sung-Hee Kim

    Applied Sciences 9 (3), 488 (2019)

    Interruption Cost Evaluation by Cognitive Workload and Task Performance in Interruption Coordination Modes for Human–Computer Interaction Tasks

    Byung-Chel Lee, Kwangheon Chung, Sung-Hee Kim

    Applied Sciences 8 (10), 1780 (2018)

    The Effectiveness of Interactive Visualizations for Multi-Attribute Decision Making with Contextual Data

    Sung-Hee Kim

    대한인간공학회지 37 (1), 63-73 (2018)

    Toward predicting social support needs in online health social networks

    Minjae Choi, Jisoo Yi, Sukwon Lee, Bum-chul Kwon, Jisoo Yi, Jaegul Choo, Jina Huh

    Journal of medical Internet research 19 (8), e272 (2017)

    Personas in online health communities

    Jina Huh, Bum-chul Kwon, Sung-Hee Kim, S Lee, J Choo, J Kim, MJ Choi, JS Yi

    Journal of biomedical informatics 63, 212-225 (2016)

    An experimental study of the decision process with interactive technology

    Anya Samek, Inkyoung Hur, Sung-Hee Kim, Jisoo Yi

    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 130, 20-32 (2016)

    VLAT: Development of a Visualization Literacy Assessment Test

    Sukwon Lee, Sung-Hee Kim, Bum-chul Kwon

    IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (1), 551-560 (2016)

    Do people really experience information overload while reading online reviews?

    Bum-chul Kwon, Sung-Hee Kim, T Duket, A Catalán, Jisoo YiInternational

    Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 31 (12), 959-973 (2015)

    VisOHC: Designing visual analytics for online health communities

    Bum-chul Kwon, Sung-Hee Kim,Sukwon Lee, Jaegul Choo, Jina Huh, Jisoo Yi

    IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (1), 71-80 (2015)

    How do people make sense of unfamiliar visualizations?: A grounded model of novice's information visualization sensemaking

    Sukwon Lee, Sung-Hee Kim, YH Hung, H Lam, Y Kang, Jisoo Yi

    IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (1), 499-508 (2015)

    POETIC: Interactive solutions to alleviate the reversal error in student–professor type problems

    Sung-Hee Kim, Daniel Phang, Tuyin An, Jisoo Yi, R Kenney, Nelson A.

    UhanInternational journal of human-computer studies 72 (1), 12-22 (2014)

    Does an eye tracker tell the truth about visualizations?: Findings while investigating visualizations for decision making

    Sung-Hee Kim, Z Dong, H Xian, B Upatising, Jisoo Yi

    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (12), 2421-2430 (2012)

    추천 시스템에 의한 필터 버블 개선 방향 제시: 유투브를 통해서(2020)

    조성재, 이근희, 전경향, 허수진, 김하늘, 김성희, 한국HCI학회 학술대회, 903-906

    우울증 치료를 위한 챗봇 개발의 방향성 고찰(2020)

    이주형, 오상헌, 김성희, 한국HCI학회 학술대회, 954-959

    면접 이미지메이킹 컨설팅 경험 향상을 위한 디자인 제언(2020)

    김민범, 박수진, 심재은, 김성희,  한국HCI학회 학술대회, 1110-1114

    스마트 시티에서의 개인화 서비스와 개인정보 보호에 대한 사용자 인식에 관한 연구(2019)

    오상헌, 김기환, 윤주상, 김성희,  한국HCI학회 학술대회, 1128-1133

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