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    섹션 설정
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  • About
  • Human-Computer Interaction


    인간 컴퓨터 상호작용

    Our main research area is Human-Computer Interaction and the study includes disciplines of computer science, human factors, behavioral science, and several other field of areas.

    Data Visualization


    데이터 시각화

    We apply data-vis for decision making, design dashboards, mesaure individual differences by visualization literacy, Recently, we develop mobile applications that support conversational vis for data engagement.



    인공지능과 사용자 경험

    Expriences through big data and artificial intelligence is becoming common and we need research on AI as product outcome, as a way to enhance UX, or as a research method to understand human.

    Data & AI Education


    빅데이터와 인공지능 교육

    The new generation is exposed to services that harness personalized data and AI algorithms. We need a new education 

    AI + {domains}


    다양한 도메인과 협업

    We aim to apply artificial intelligence with various areas such healthcare and material science. Especially, for developing tools to help patients or medical staffs who serve dementia patients. Additionally, experts in the material science to revotutionalize the traditional experiment approaches. 

    {"google":["Raleway"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","SCDream"]}{"google":["Raleway","EB Garamond"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Square"]}
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