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  • About

    Medical Education Platforms

    Data itself is becoming a valuable product and can be  traded online.

    Research is needed on the perception on what makes a good data product, 

    UX issues on online data trading markets.

    Funding: 해양수산 빅데이터 플랫폼 (한국지능정보사회진흥원,NIA)

    UX for Big Data Platforms

    Data itself is becoming a valuable product and can be  traded online.

    Research is needed on the perception on what makes a good data product, 

    UX issues on online data trading markets.

    Funding: 해양수산 빅데이터 플랫폼 (한국지능정보사회진흥원,NIA)

    Conversational Data Vis

    Data visualization has been evolved over time on desktop environments. Rich interaction

    such as filtering, zomming, brush and linking had been applied to explore through data.

    However, due to the limited display space, data vis on mobile environments are limited to excluded.

    Therefore, we suggest conversational UI to interact and engage with personal data.

    Funding:  대화형 데이터 시각화 시스템 (한국연구재단, NRF)


    Education for Big Data & AI

    Exposure to data and artificial intelligence is becoming essential to the younger generation.

    We need new curriculums, methods, experiences to educate. We aim to design new platforms

    to help understand and engage with the data era.

    Funding: 부산광역시 미래교육원, 부산광역시 교육청

    AI + {domain}

    Artificial intelligence can be combined with several areas to develop distruptive technologies.

    We collabroate with experts in the field of logistics, material science, and healthcare.

    Collaborators: + Surface Engineering, ARotS Lab (www.arotslab.com)

    Funding: 스마트 양적하 항만 (과학기술정보통신부 정보통신기획평가원,IITP)


    Artificial intelligence can be several roles related to UX research.

    AI technology itself can be a product such as chatbots, or could be used to enhance UX as in

    several mobile apps that have recommendation systems. Recently, there are design tools that

    support AI as a co-partner to design together. We conduct research accordingly to these

    diverse rols of AI.

    Data Visualization Literacy

    The use of data is increasing and is being used by domain experts and also the general public.

    One way to easily make sense of data is through data visualization or information visualization. 

    However, due to the mobile and web services, we are experiencing new types of interactive visualizations.

    We conduct research to understand and enhance data visualization literacy.

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